
Hitting the Reset Button: How Work Camping and YouTube Derailed Our Blog

Bubba installing new flooring while we worked at Cottonwood Camp

When we hit the road full time in our RV last year, we knew we wanted to share our travel experiences, even if only so our friends and family could follow our adventures. We talked about blogging vs. creating a YouTube channel, but were still undecided about the best platform for us even as we began our journey.

Our first night as full-time RVers, at Ford State Fishing Lake just outside Dodge City, KS.

Once we tried turning the cameras on and talking to them, blogging seemed like the better fit for us. NO WAY did we feel comfortable blabbing to an inanimate object! So we began this blog to document our travels, but were still quietly gnawing on the idea of producing videos.

YouTube creators are what originally led us to this idea of full-time RVing, and ultimately put us on the course we’re on. We still watch many of the original channels that inspired us, as well as many others. We find they’re great for getting ideas about where to travel, as well as to constantly stoke the fires of adventure for us.

We also realized there was a variety not only of content, but of quality of content and production. Ultimately, Bubba (my husband) and I looked at each other and thought, “if they can do it, we can do it.”

We began recording video as well as taking still photos of the places we traveled, in hopes of collecting enough usable footage to create some decent videos. Meanwhile, we went ahead and started our blog.

Fast forward to our work camping job in Mackinaw City, and we discovered it was nearly impossible to work a full time job, create and edit videos and maintain a blog. We initially received great feedback on our YouTube videos, and so all our available time and effort went into growing our fledgling channel.

So, what’s changed now?

Well, we’re just beginning our final work camping job, possibly forever. We now have the stability of a pension that frees us up to do a lot more of the things we want to do, and a lot less of the things we have to do.

Enjoying a day off in Michigan.

Like work.

In all seriousness, I really enjoy writing our blog posts and creating our videos. I love the interaction with people from all over the world, and we love hearing about the hopes and dreams of others who might be inspired in the smallest way by something we’ve shown them.

So, we’re going to throw our blog into a time warp and fast forward it to real time. This way, our blog posts and videos will correlate with each other and get released together. Between videos, we can share important lessons we’ve learned, funny things that happen or just random thoughts along the way.

Right now we’re in northeastern Montana, waiting for the start of the sugar beet harvest. We might have a couple of rough weeks pulling this whole plan together, but the harvest only lasts two or three weeks max. Last year, we worked 16 days. I think we can manage to keep our crap together for that long, no matter how hectic the schedule!!!

Operating the piling machine while work camping at last year’s sugar beet harvest.

Stay tuned for our next adventures, and don’t forget to follow us over on YouTube at Tipsy Marlin Travels.

Kat Walden

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